All Are Welcome
Clifton Heights, PA.
A Parish of the Episcopal Diocese of Pennsylvania
Saint Stephens Church is a welcoming congregation, a parish in the Episcopal Diocese of Pennsylvania, part of the worldwide Anglican Communion. We are a loving church/ family which encourages regular ministry and parish activities beyond our Sunday worship. The congregation is comprised of people from all walks of life and we are blessed with people of many talents and spiritual gifts and we share our time, talent and treasure with others in need. We will continue our work to bring God’s message more fully to our community through increased outreach and evangelism. We pride ourselves on being a “family” congregation. We have a deep sense of commitment to our community in which we are located and share a passion for helping those in need. We warm;y welcome those who would wish to come worship with us.
New Bible Study Group has been formed at St Stephens.
See details in the “Worship” Section
Sunday Service
SUNDAY EUCHARIST - We are currently with a “Supply” pastor and are in search of a new Rector. We are now celebrating the Eucharist and Prayer Services on an alternating schedule. Please visit the “WORSHIP” tab for current scheduling or visit our Facebook page for updates.
Our services begin at 9:00 AM, Sundays and are broadcast via “Facebook Live”
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