St. Stephen's is a parish of the Episcopal Diocese of Pennsylvania. We are a loving church family which encourages regular ministry and parish activities beyond Sunday worship. We share our time, talent, and treasure with others in need. We will continue our work to bring God’s message more fully to our community through increased outreach and evangelism.
Rector - Currently Vacant - In Search
Parish Administrator - Cynthia “Cindy” Haupt
Preschool Director - Nikki D’Orso
Michael Miller - Acting Senior Warden/Vestry Accounting Warden
Frank Prendiville - Property Chairman
James Vani - Vestry
Connie Wright - Vestry
Wes Gerlacker - Vestry
Virginia Thompson - Vestry
Annmarie Bartholomeo - Treasurer
St Stephens Vestry consists of members who are duly elected by the congregation. Each member serves a three (3) year term which can be for a second term. They act as the parish “Board of Directors” and manage its business affairs. The religious affairs are tended to by the pastor. The Vestry members also acts in the capacity of liaison between the congregation and the various groups and programs and advocate on their behalf to keep the Vestry apprised of any issues.
Vestry members also:
- Act as agents of the parish in all matters pertaining to physical assets
- Ensure all business is conducted consistent with the Standard Business Methods outlined by the Diocese
- Ensure worship continues in the absence of the pastor
Vestry meetings are conducted on the first (1st) Sunday of the month, after morning prayer service, in the parish meeting room. These meetings are open to the congregation and the Vestry encourages attendance to observe and offer any
new ideas for the conduct of the parish business.